Courses provide a Western medical approach to acupuncture, grounded in current research evidence, whilst also covering the concepts of traditional Chinese acupuncture. Topics include acupuncture analgesia, classical acupuncture points, myofascial trigger points, electro-acupuncture and auricular acupuncture.....

Courses available include both lab based Cadaveric Anatomy courses and Clinical Anatomy and Palpation courses. Both are designed for clinicians, lecturers or students who wish to expand their practical knowledge and understanding of musculoskeletal, neurovascular, and visceral anatomy.
The “hands on” practical approach to the courses will build and support delegates knowledge and confidence in the understanding and appreciation of human anatomy and its relationship to clinical conditions.
Courses covering the concepts of homeostasis, healing and performance as well as a variety of advanced needling techniques utilised for the treatment of both acute and chronic sports injuries

Facial Aesthetic Cosmetic Enhancement (FACE) acupuncture courses aimed at practitioners in the private sector, who wish to extend their scope of practice and develop their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of acupuncture.
What our customers say..

Your Accredited Tutor

Jon Hobbs
Director and Tutor - Acupuncture Training Providers
Accredited Tutor - Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
Former Chairman (10 Years) - Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
Jonathan has 25 year’s experience within physiotherapy within the NHS, private sector and professional sport. He has practised acupuncture for over 20 years and was awarded his MSc in acupuncture in 2004. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the Chair of the AACP, the largest professional body for acupuncture in the UK
He delivers acupuncture and dry needling training within the UK and internationally via his Hobbs Masters Needling Series programme and is published in a variety of textbooks including Sports Physiology and Injury Management (Elsevier, 2020) and journals including, Co-Kinetic, International Therapist, the Journal of Chinese Medicine, the Journals of both the British Chiropractic Council and the Alliance of UK Chiropractors as well as the Journal of the AACP
Jonathan has previously been the Principal of a school of physiotherapy and he currently acts as a consultant and sessional lecturer to a number of universities throughout the UK and US including Keele University School of Medicine. He is also an expert legal witness and a consultant and tutor to physiotherapists within Team GB, Premiership and Championship football, English Institute of Sport, Ministry of Defence and the NHS. In the US he has also taught clinicians from the NFL and the US military. He currently splits his time between continued clinical practice, teaching & writing.