
Acupuncture and dry needling are treatments used to treat pain and dysfunction. The approaches taught within the Hobbs Masters Needling Series are founded on evidence-based approaches drawing from anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology. Whilst the concepts of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture are respected, they are not taught within these courses. The focus of the approach is based on physiological healing, layered analgesic mechanisms, myofascial pain and dysfunction and physiological systemic responses.


Acupuncture and dry needling may be considered integral approaches within physical therapy and are recognised as such both within the NHS (NIHR, 2017) and private sector. Published evidence supports the use of acupuncture and dry needling and states that its effect is not that of a placebo (Vickers et al, 2018). The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (UK) also recommends that clinicians should consider the use of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain (NICE, 2021).


NICE (2021) NICE Guidelines 193. Chronic pain in over 16s: assessment and management of chronic primary pain.

NIHR (2017) Signal (publication) The National Institute for Health Research’s June 2017

Vickers et al (2018). Pain. May; 19(5): 455–474”

Acupuncture training

for medical, cosmetic & sports applications

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